IBS Prison Library Program.

國際菩薩僧伽會是美國聯邦政府批準的非牟利宗教團體。宗旨是以菩薩慈悲的精神弘揚佛法普度眾生。菩薩寺幸得有發心贊助人士捐贈幫忙。令本會能夠在加州監獄裡教授佛法,人生的道理,念佛及修禪。 讓罪犯學習棄惡從善,有重生機會。以佛法的明燈點亮一顆無明的心。 

特別感謝Mrs. RAme Chiu居士慷慨解囊。讓菩薩寺能夠訂購以下法寶的教科書。
1.     大般若經全套
2.     華嚴經
3.     法華經
4.     大智度論
5.     金剛經
6.     禪宗傳承的解釋
7.     中國佛教的解釋
8.     入中論
9.     中觀論
10.  入菩薩行論
11.  菩提道次第廣論
12.  菩提資糧論
13.  成佛之道
International Bodhisattva Sanha
12584 Sora Way San Diego CA 92129
Phone: 1+619-450-3699

Please Help Those Practitioner in Prisons

International Bodhisattva Sangha (IBS) has been doing prison visitation programs in California for many years. There are hundreds of inmates in the prisons willing to learn and practice the Buddha Dharma. IBS only visits once a month to help and offer the Dharma, but once a month is not sufficient to teach enough information about Buddhism for their daily practice. We did some research about their practices, and it brought us more insight about how to benefit the practitioners. They desperately need library materials.

Therefore IBS trying to set up a library in each yard of different state prisons that will be beneficial for those practitioners. If you have any Buddhist books, CDs, DVDs or Buddhist magazines and would like to donate them for the prison library, please contact us.
Thank You,

International Bodhisattva Sangha
12584 Sora Way
San Diego CA 92129
Phone: 1+619-450-3699
Fax: 1+858-484-1889
E-mail: zhongibs@hotmail.com